
Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 Download.Photoshop Elements 9: Layer Masks

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In my adobs, the best new feature of Photoshop Elements 9 is the layer mask! You have a layer mask. There are so many ways to use layer masks that it would be hard to list them all. In the following video, for example, I use a layer mask to hide part maks the adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free of an overlay, so I can see one area of the photo more clearly. Well, yes, you can, hpotoshop the part you erase with the Eraser tool is permanent.

Not so with a mask. You can adjust it as often as you please, now or 10 years from now. If you have trouble здесь this QuickTime video, adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free these helpful suggestions. Ditto what Don said. Is scrapbooking the frew reason you use Photoshop rather than Elements? Thanks for a great tutorial I have PS CS and wanted to upgrade but it seems all you can get now is CS5 which is an amazing program but very expensive Elements 9 is more in my price range Do you think it has more to dlements then CS.

Hi Pat. Both Photoshop and Elements work very well for scrapbooking, but if I have the choice, I always use Photoshop. But the choice is up to you. Hope that helps! Hi Linda Thanu ссылка на подробности for teaching us. I upgraded to 9 yesterday, and I love the new functions. Linda, thanks for the great tutorial on layer masks. Now, how to convince my wife I adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free need this while not having completely mastered Elements 8.

Love the voice on the video,that is so important. It was also VERY easy to follow. I am a adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free and need the easy to follow part. I want to scrapbook with elements 9 and am having a horrible adobee figuring this out, I bought it I better use it. I have spent money on two books and elements this is getting to be expensive and none explain scrapbooking. Easy like open elements, put in picture, get paper from whereget msaks from Where I need to make like three pages to get the hang of it, where can I do that??

Hope it is with you cuz love how you explain things. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in phogoshop browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data adobbe processed. What do layer masks do? Essentially, they hide part of a layer eleements a nondestructive way. So enjoy watching this QuickTime video on layer masks in Photoshop Elements 9! Previous Post.

Next Post. Kim October 11, Reply. Pat Основываясь на этих данных 7, Reply. Linda Sattgast October 10, Reply. Andrea Graves September 27, Reply. Janet H. September 27, Reply. Judy Nielsen September 27, Reply. Linda Sattgast September 27, Reply. Jean C September 27, Reply. Cristi September 27, Reply.

Don Adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free 26, Reply. Linda Sattgast September 26, Reply. Bonnie April 27, Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.


Photoshop Elements 9 Review—Layer Masks | Digital Scrapper Blog

Sep 24,  · Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 review. With rivals such as Google churning out the perfectly respectable Picasa for free, Adobe has to work hard to convince consumers to part with nigh-on £80 inc VAT. Follow this quick tutorial to apply the Unsharp Mask to your photo and adjust it for your artistic preferences. 1. Convert the image layer. First, open your digital image in Photoshop and make the image layer a Smart Object. Just click the menu icon in the upper-right corner of the Layers panel and select Convert to Smart Object. Note the layer in the Layers panel. There are actually two thumbnails. One thumbnail says Layer Thumbnail and the other one says Layer Mask Thumbnail. And it’s now the layer mask that I’m going to work on. Now here’s a very important point. You notice that sort of double blue line around the layer mask.


Adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free –


A clipping mask is a group of layers to which a mask is applied. The bottommost layer, or base layer, defines the visible boundaries of the entire group. For example, suppose you have a shape in the base layer, a photograph in the layer above it, and text in the topmost layer.

If the photograph and text appear adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free through the shape outline in the base layer, they also take on the opacity of the base layer. You can group only successive layers. The name of the base layer in the group is underlined, and the thumbnails for the overlying layers are indented.

Additionally, the overlying layers display the clipping mask icon. Hold down Alt Option in Mac OSposition the pointer over the line жмите сюда two layers in the Layers panel the pointer changes to two mawks circlesand then click. The layers in the clipping mask have the opacity and mawks attributes of the bottommost base layer in the group. To change the stacking order of the clipping mask relative to other layers in the image, select all layers in the group.

Dragging a layer without selecting all the layers in the group removes that layer from the group. Hold down Alt Option in Mac OSposition the pointer over the line separating two grouped layers in the Layers panel the pointer changes to two overlapping circlesand click.

This command removes the selected layer and any layers above it from the clipping mask. In the Layers panel, elemehts any layer in the group adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free the base layer.

Either drag the layer below the base layer, or drag it between two ungrouped layers in the image. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. User Guide Cancel. About layer clipping masks. You can link the layers in a clipping mask so that they move together. Create a clipping mask. Do one of adobs following:. When making a clipping mask from an existing layer and one you are about to create, first select the existing layer in the Layers panel.

Remove a layer from a clipping mask. Ungrouping the base layer from the layer above it ungroups all layers in the clipping mask. Release clipping mask. In the Layers panel, select any layer other than the base layer in the clipping mask.

More like this Understanding layers Link and unlink layers. Sign in to your account. Sign in. Quick links View all your plans Adobe photoshop elements 9 masks free your plans.


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