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Hiring surged in July, with employers adding , jobs Job growth last month blows by analyst forecasts, as the U.S. jobless rate fell to the lowest since February The user’s RSA private key is backed up using an offline public key whose matching private key is stored in one of two places: the password reset disk (if the computer is not a member of a domain) or in Active Directory (if it is a member of a domain). An attacker who can authenticate to Windows XP as LocalSystem still does not have access to a. Wondershare Dr Fone Android Free Serial Key Ashampoo Music Studio 5 Serial Key Ytd Serial Key List For How Many Computers For 1 Serial Key Windows Serial Key Pro Cod Black Ops Serial Key Freemake Video Converter Serial Key Gold Version Wps Office Professional Serial Key Movavi Video Editor Serial Key.
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Malgrado un qualunque computer sia potenzialmente in grado di permettere la lettura di un eBook, si dovrebbe parlare di eBook reading device solo riferendosi a quei dispositivi dotati di caratteristiche tali da poter essere usati in maniera analoga a quella di un libro cartaceo. Le caratteristiche essenziali che un eBook reading device dovrebbe avere sono:. Tenendo conto di queste caratteristiche, possiamo suddividere i vari dispositivi hardware disponibili sul mercato in Tablet PC , palmari e lettori dedicati.
Questa operazione, oltre a non essere una soluzione definitiva al problema, spesso presenta problemi tali da non essere facilmente eseguibile da tutti; in alcuni casi i problemi tecnici sono tali da renderlo praticamente irrealizzabile.
Anche se vengono genericamente chiamati “formati di testo”, alcuni di questi formati permettono la creazione di ipertesti e l’inserimento di oggetti multimediali come immagini, audio o video. I molti formati di testo disponibili, in relazione al mondo degli eBook, possono essere suddivisi in due categorie:.
Utilizzandoli pertanto difficilmente si corre il rischio di non possedere il software o il dispositivo hardware adatto per leggerli. In generale gli svantaggi derivano dalla mancanza di compressione del testo che aumenta lo spazio occupato dall’eBook sul supporto di memorizzazione e dal fatto che si adattano male ad essere utilizzati su dispositivi portatili dotati di schermi di piccole dimensioni come i palmari.
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Libri che si possono toccare, libri che si possono odorare, libri dai quali possiamo dipendere. L’avvento degli eBook ha tuttavia sollevato anche una serie di problematiche.
Nel tentativo di combattere questa piaga, il 27 maggio l’Alta Corte inglese ha decretato per i 5 grandi fornitori di servizi internet del Regno Unito – BT, EE, Sky, TalkTalk, Virgin Media – l’obbligo di interdire l’accesso a 7 siti internet accusati di offrire in maniera illegale un totale di 10 milioni di eBook [23]. L’Associazione italiana editori Aie , ha recentemente reso noto le impressionanti cifre che testimoniano l’ampia diffusione della pirateria di eBook.
Infatti, analizzando i dati, emerge che in Italia, su Coloro che caricano sul web internet illegalmente, non agiscono in maniera disinteressata, ma per guadagnarne. Chi mette on line file riceve denaro dal servizio hosting, in base alla dimensioni e alle migliaia di scaricamenti. Inoltre, ne ricavano profitto le compagnie pubblicitarie che forniscono le inserzioni ai servizi di hosting e i provider di servizi finanziari attraverso cui i pagamenti possono avvenire anonimamente. La ricerca, condotta in Uk da Kantar Media, rivela che i consumatori di eBook sono quelli che hanno pagato in numero maggiore per i contenuti di cui hanno usufruito rispetto ai consumatori di altro tipo film, musica, videogames ecc.
Altri progetti. Da Wikipedia, l’enciclopedia libera. Commento : da riscrivere in forma discorsiva, niente elenchi specie senza fonti Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Sarebbe utile correggerla eliminando valutazioni soggettive sugli impatti all’industria multimediale. Per contribuire, correggi i toni enfatici o di parte e partecipa alla discussione. URL consultato il 20 aprile URL consultato l’11 febbraio URL consultato il 18 aprile archiviato dall’ url originale il 18 aprile URL consultato l’11 dicembre URL consultato il 14 dicembre E che impatto ha la pirateria sul mercato?
Altri progetti Wikiquote Wikizionario Wikimedia Commons. Portale Letteratura. Portale Scienza e tecnica. Categoria : Ebook. Menu di navigazione Strumenti personali Accesso non effettuato discussioni contributi registrati entra. Namespace Voce Discussione. Visite Leggi Modifica Modifica wikitesto Cronologia. Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: EBook reader. Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Audiolibro. Adobe Digital Editions.
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Technical tips, tricks, and news about game development for Microsoft platforms including desktop, Xbox, and UWP. DirectXMath 3. It is included in the Windows SDK While the bulk of that article still applies, there have been a few changes recently with the release of the Xbox Series X S that warrant a new blog post. Visual Studio Update 2 a. The VS Redistribution packages are also available x86 , x64 , arm64 , as well as the Remote Debugging Tools x86 , x64 , arm For more information see the Visual Studio Team blog and the release notes.
One of the on-going challenges for shipping games on PC is the constant evolution of the platform. Each time a game or application makes an assumption about how the system works, it becomes a potential bug when those assumptions change. Visual Studio Update 1 a. Visual Studio RTM a. Back when I first implemented the Model class for DirectX Tool Kit , I was focused on having some basic mesh rendering for samples and demos.
October is Hackathon time for Microsoft, so I went back and dusted off a bunch of prototype work over the years and finally got it implemented. Last year, in the early days of quarantine, I updated DirectX Tool Kit for Audio with streaming support per this blog post , and in the winter holidays I added CMake and vcpkg support to all my GitHub projects. Visual Studio Update 11 a.
For more information see the Visual Studio Team blog. For Xbox developers, making the choice to use these is very easy since you can count on them along with AVX. Visual Studio Update 10 a. It is included in the Windows 10 SDK , version There are no functional differences. The GameStack Live virtual event is underway, with live chat in the Discord channel.
You can watch the talks on-demand on YouTube. Presentations are available for download from GitHub. A number of developers found it useful, including Tom Forsyth. Unfortunately, the header more or less disappeared after that. This Microsoft Docs Programming Guide page mentions the header, and there are detailed Reference Guide pages, but they all failed to mention where to find it….
Visual Studio Update 9 a. D3DX NuGet package dxsdk-d3dx on vcpkg. Microsoft announced last year that it was retiring all SHA-1 signed content from Microsoft Downloads in this blog post since the SHA-1 algorithm is no longer considered secure. The original timeline was stretched out a bit due to COVID, but as of January this content is no longer hosted by Microsoft servers. In January they were removed from the Microsoft Download Center.
The payload DLLs are still using SHA-1, and there are known security issues, so it is highly recommended you move to the replacements mentioned in this post. D3DX has a long and complex history, which has resulted in a lot of confusion for developers.
Visual Studio Update 8 a. The basic recommendations on Microsoft Docs are still a good place to start, but there are a number of important areas that need more explanation. Visual Studio Update 7 a.
Visual Studio Update 6 a. The Windows 10 May Update a. See Microsoft Docs for an overview of the new OS features. Two notable features in these releases as well as a bonus tool kit feature for DirectX 12 are covered in this post. With the increasing seriousness of the COVID situation across the globe, many gamer and game developer events are getting postponed or cancelled.
That said, there are some digital events taking place instead that you may find informative:. Visual Studio Update 5 a. Visual Studio Update 4 a. As a reminder, Windows 7 end-of-life for consumer is fast approaching on January 14, There are of course a number of gamers still running Windows 7—thankfully according to the Valve Steam Hardware Survey they are almost all running bit—, and it will remain important in some markets for some time to come.
So, here are a few tips for developers still needing to support Windows 7. The Windows 10 November Update a. Version has been released to Windows Insiders. Visual Studio Update 3 a. Version has been deployed to insiders and will be deployed publicly in late May is being deployed publicly on May 21st , but in the meantime the matching Windows 10 SDK Sorry for having been quiet for so long. The new site has the entire archive by month and tag. The Visual Studio Visual Studio DirectXMath version 3.
Basically, I missed getting DirectXMath 3. For historic purposes you can find 3. The Windows 10 October Update a. Version is now available along with the Windows 10 SDK The Windows 10 April Update a. I wanted to call attention to this release in particular because I discovered an important and long-standing bug in the library that is now fixed. This is second major update to the The CodePlex archive is expected to stay online as read-only, but with respect to my projects the GitHub version is now the only repo and the CodePlex version is an outdated mirror.
The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update a. Version is now available. This includes DirectXMath 3. Since the release of Visual Studio in March, there have been two minor updates The first update The rendering uses float-point render targets, allowing the lighting to exceed the normal 0 to 1 range.
Then the final result is tone-mapped back into normal range for display. The result is much improved contrast, making it easier to see a mix of dark interiors with bright exteriors, more realistic outdoor lighting, and a host of special effects. This is a bit of a nostalgic navel-gazing like my Windows XP post was back in October , so please forgive my indulgence. The Windows 10 Creators Update a. Version is now available along with a new Windows 10 SDK release.
As part of my multi-year personal project of providing open source replacements for the deprecated D3DX library once found in the legacy DirectX SDK , two libraries are focused on content creation tools and build pipelines. The first thing to do is get up to speed on Direct3D 11 see Getting Started with Direct3D 11 , especially if you are coming from a background of knowing Direct3D 9.
Windows 10 Anniversary Update a. Note XAudio 2. VS Update 3 is now available for download , including the updated Community edition.
For more information see the release notes. VS Update 2 is now available for download , including the updated Community edition. For more information, see the Visual Studio Team blog. Be sure to read the Microsoft Docs page as well. I modeled it after the basic template that we ship with the Xbox One XDK that consist of a Game class which sets up a device, swap chain, and timed rendering loop. The Windows 10 SDK It can be installed via an optional install with VS Update 1 or as a standalone installer.
VS Update 1 is now available for download , including the updated Community edition. The XAudio2 library in the legacy DirectX SDK makes use of COM creation and reference counting for lifetime management, and a recent investigation has found a problem in this implementation. In short: in some situations the XAudio DLL itself is unloaded before the XAudio2 objects are completely destroyed, thus leading to an access violation. This normally happens on exit, although the exact details of when it might be evident depends on exactly which version of Windows you are using and the overall process layout for your application.
In a similar vein, the July release of DirectX Tool Kit includes two new classes for handling keyboard and mouse input across Windows desktop, Windows 8 Store, and universal Windows apps for Windows In my original post on using the debug layer , I mentioned several tricks for getting helpful behavior out of the Direct3D SDK debug layer for your applications.
An update for Visual Studio is available for download as announced today on the Visual Studio blog. AVX2 is very useful if trying to make a fully equivalent double4 version of all the DirectXMath functionality which is otherwise focused on float4 vectors, but that is beyond the scope of this article or the library generally.
At the time, this utility used the It is also included in the Windows 10 SDK. As you may have heard in the technical press, Microsoft is a more open-source friendly place these days, and has embraced GitHub for a number of high-profile projects.
For the immediate future, I plan to maintain both sites equally with the bulk of the documentation still residing on CodePlex , but you can get full source and releases from either location thanks to the magic of distributed VCS.
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