
Autodesk inventor 2018 unresolved components free.Autodesk Inventor View 2018

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the mystery of unresolved files – Autodesk Community

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Did you find this reply helpful? This is possible because Autodesk Inventor’s documents only store a reference’s file name, not its location. To translate this article, select a language. Back to Inventor Category. Many thanks! Yeah that’s some pretty weird behavior, considering the same part is resolved and unresolved in the same assy If you want to analyze all nested referenced drawings then select load all references else select only first level references.


Autodesk Inventor View | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network.Problems with assemblies with unresolved components. | Autodesk Inventor Users | GrabCAD Groups

Replace the referenced file with a different file. Right-click the file name in the browser and select Replace Component. Use Design Assistant. You will notice an error icon in the left pane of this window indicating that no drawing is added to it. Click on Add drawings button on the top. Causes: The Inventor project file or assembly has lost the path link to the component. Component is not in the Workspace of the project file.


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