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Ableton Live is a software sequencer and digital audio workstation DAW. It’s designed for live ableton 9 live suite manual free and remixing of songs, but it can also be used to record music, control stage lighting, visual effects VFX and much more. By the end http://replace.me/1950.txt this guide, you’ll know enough about Ableton to be able to quickly and confidently navigate around a track, solving problems as you go — let’s get started!

Before jumping right in, you need to know about the different versions available. Ableton live is currently on version 9, and comes in three main “flavors”:. It’s easy to upgrade to the next version at a later date, and if you’re a student, you can receive a substantial discount by anleton the student version.

If libe purchase an Ableton controller something we’ll discuss a bit lateryou often get a free copy of the Intro version thrown in for free — now that’s a good deal! Once you’ve decided on your version, and you’ve purchased a license or physical copy, installation is straightforward.

Follow the instructions on screen or read the installation tutorial from the Ableton website. Once installed, go ahead and open Ableton. You’ll be presented with something that looks like this:. Now you need to configure a few options.

Open the preferences panel. Select the Look Feel tab on the left. Here you can change the language, general colors, and themes. Underneath the Colors subheading, you can change the skin or theme of Ableton.

I prefer the Disco theme, but the default dark gray is the most common. Select the Audio tab. This is where you can configure your inputs and outputs. If you’re using an external audio interface, this ableton 9 live suite manual free be listed here libe your drivers are installed.

Otherwise it will be pre-filled with “Built-in Output. Finally, underneath the Latency subheading, ableton 9 live suite manual free an appropriate buffer size. The buffer size is measured in samples, and this is адрес to control how quickly Ableton can record and playback sounds. If this is too high, there may be ableton 9 live suite manual free large delay between playing a sound and hearing it out of your speakers. If you set it too low, your computer has to work much harder.

A good place to start is Samples. If you have strange audio glitches, you may need to increase this. Now that you’re all setup, it’s time to make some music — go ahead and close the preferences panel. The “traditional” approach in music software is to sujte tracks from left to right.

Ableton has this ability, but what really sets it apart from other DAWs is the Session view. This arranges clips vertically, and allows you to trigger qbleton clip in any order. It really opens ableton 9 live suite manual free creative avenues for making music, and you may discover a new arrangement of your song! Session view is fee often used for remixing songs live. It can also trigger clips or songs in response to various events.

If you want to record music the “traditional” way, Ableton has a built in Arrangement view that can be accessed with the Tab key. Once in arrangement view, pressing Tab again will take you back to the session view. You can use arrangement view to record the output of a session or to record yourself or a band, and session view to remix your latest hit or experiment with a new arrangement.

Switch back to session ableton 9 live suite manual free. There are four http://replace.me/13967.txt components alongside the controls at the very top.

The leftmost section is for navigating and selecting project files, instruments, and effects. This is called the Browserand can be shown or hidden using the small arrow in the top-left corner. The Browser is split into two halves. The left side lists folders on your computer and Ableton’s built-in folders:. These Categories are where you can search for the effects and nanual built into Ableton.

Underneath this is Places ableton 9 live suite manual free, where you can search your acrobat pro dc bates stamp download for files. The right side of the Browser is where you can navigate to specific files or folders within the category or place you have selected. The top section of the browser contains a search feature, which allows you to search in the selected folder for a particular sound, instrument, or effect.

At mnaual bottom-left of the Ableton window ableton 9 live suite manual free an information viewer. Hover over anything in Ableton, and this will tell you what it does. This is extremely helpful, and can be a lifesaver in helping you learn. The bottom ableton 9 live suite manual free is the Effect Controls section. This is where you can configure any life or effects you have assigned to a track — something we’ll go into greater detail about later on.

Finally, the remaining panel on the right is the session or arrangement view. This is where you will create and manipulate audio. Now that ableton 9 live suite manual free know about the interface, let’s make some music! Ableton comes with several instruments that you can use to make sounds, or you can use the included sampleswhich are pre-recorded snippets ableton 9 live suite manual free sound or songs.

In session view, by default you’ll see seven vertical panels. These will probably be called something like “1 Midi”, “2 Audio,” and so on. The final one of these is called “Master”, and is the overarching master channel. These default tracks are defined in Ableton’s default project.

It’s possible to save your own default project so whenever you open Ableton you have a basic structure ready to go. But straight out the box, you get Ableton’s default project. MIDI devices and tracks are covered comprehensively later on, but for now, think of them as a way of generating a sound, like a keyboard or guitar. Audio tracks are the opposite of MIDI tracks. These oive play and record sounds from other devices such as sute microphone or other devicebut they cannot generate any sounds on their own.

Finally, there are Return Tracks. These provide a route for processing audio and returning it back. Don’t worry about these for now. Each track has the same basic structure. The top of ablleton track is known as the Track Title Bar. Luve can right-click here to change the name and color of the track.

Underneath this are the Clip Slots. Underneath the clip slot is a mini control panel for each track. Here you can enable or disable the track, adjust settings such as pan or gain, and route audio from or to nearly any other place. The default values are sufficient ableton 9 live suite manual free жмите сюда. Go ahead and delete the two MIDI tracks and one audio track so you are left with one track.

You can delete tracks by right-clicking on the track title bar and selecting Deleteor by left-clicking the title bar and using your delete or backspace key. If you only have one track, you won’t be ableton 9 live suite manual free to delete it. Open the Browser from the left hand side — it’s time to find some sounds! Underneath Categoriesselect Samples. Use the right side of the browser to search for some sounds you like ableton 9 live suite manual free Ableton comes with lots of samples, and each version Intro, Standard, and Suite manaul with a different selection.

You can use the cursor or the arrow keys to select a sample, and doing so will play a preview of it. Most of these will be short sounds of people or instruments.

If you увидеть больше something a bit more complex, select Clips from the Categories submenu. Clips are usually longer samples, but most of them won’t preview when you click them. To hear a preview, select Click to Preview from the bottom of the browser. Once you’ve found a sample you like, drag it into an empty clip slot by clicking and holding with the left mouse button.

This will now show up as a clip. You can drag multiple clips onto empty clip slots, or drag them over existing clips to replace the old clips with the new ones. Once in the session view, clips have a random color assigned. You can change this by right-clicking and selecting a new color.

Press the small triangle next to a clip to play it. Notice how the interface changes. The посмотреть еще turns green, and you get audio meters arkham pc game highly compressed this track and the master. Down in the mixer section, try playing around with the various controls. The Track Activator will enable or disable the track.

When disabled, no sound will come out of the track, but it will keep playing — think of this like a mute button. Use the Pan Knob to suits the pan of the track, or adjust the volume using the Track Volume Slider to the right of the output levels. Go ahead and drag some more clips onto the track.



Ableton 9 live suite manual free


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Ableton 9 live suite manual free


The Groove Pool now opens automatically when loading a groove file from the browser by double-clicking or pressing the Enter key, adding a groove to the Groove Pool, or extracting grooves. You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate radio buttons anywhere in Live. If you are navigating radio buttons on a device that is inside of a Rack with the left and right arrow keys, you can get back to moving between devices in the Rack using the left and right arrow keys by hitting the ESC key.

In Session and Arrangement View, the Monitor radio buttons now have a default state that can be restored. This option is also accessible via the Edit menu option Return to Default.

When enabled, certain MIDI control message types that are not automated for a given clip will automatically reset at the start of a new clip. Added support for keyboard shortcuts on French keyboard layouts for macOS versions Keyboard shortcuts that have numbers can be accessed without having to press Shift to access the number keys.

Introduced linked-track editing see 6. Linked-track editing makes it possible to use comping workflows and other phase-locked editing operations on multiple tracks at once. Any tracks in the Arrangement View can now be linked so that their content can be edited simultaneously. There can be multiple instances of linked tracks in a Set, however each track can only belong to one of these instances. The Expression Control device now allows assigning an additional parameter as a mapping target. All Max for Live devices have been moved inside the application bundle previously, they lived in the Core Library , to ensure that using Collect All and Save will not create redundant copies of the devices.

When Max fails to load, an error message will be displayed that contains a link to a Knowledge Base article that explains potential causes for the issue and steps to take to resolve it. A new Scale Mode see 8. By default, key tracks belonging to the selected scale are highlighted in the MIDI Note Editor, and the root note is indicated by a prominent highlight in the piano roll. A new Chance Editor see It is now possible to see and edit a velocity range, from which a velocity value is selected when a note is played.

In the Notes tab, a Velocity Range slider see If no markers are selected, values for all notes will be randomized. The Velocity and Chance Editor lanes can be shown or hidden via the lane selector toggle buttons at the left. When enabled, drawing MIDI notes is constrained to one single key track or pitch at a time, while holding the ALT key allows freehand melodic drawing.

The lowest dot in a meter lights up in a blue color if per-note controller changes pass that meter. The new Focus button enables Focus Mode see Focus Mode can be toggled via the N keyboard shortcut. The Invert button is now enabled in the Notes tab when at least one note is selected, and it is possible to invert selected notes from multiple clips at the same time. Time selection interactions, note selection interactions, and new note editing options have been added to multi-clip editing.

You can happily enjoy a vast majority of this instruction using a previous version of the program, because many of the core concepts remain the same. The same can be said of Ableton Live 9 Intro, the highly affordable feature-limited version of Live. You may run into some limitations of Intro while using this book, but the majority of the concepts are very much applicable.

As well, while I may make an occasional reference to Ableton Live Suite 9—the fullest version of the program that additionally includes a sizeable library of Instrument Devices and Presets—the Suite is not required in order to use this book. Here is a short list of optional gear that would be useful to have when working with Live, and this book, in order of importance:. More on this in chapter 9. A wide range of these monitors are available today, and generally you get what you pay for, so try not to skimp on these when you decide to buy.

Caution: If making computer music is your passion, you will find that once you get on the gear-purchasing escalator it is very hard to get off, so be prepared for addiction! What follows is a list of the shorthand conventions used in this book. Keeping these conventions streamlined and consistent will allow you to move smoothly and quickly through the exercises.

I am a keyboard shortcut fanatic! In Live, there are typically multiple ways of doing most tasks. I will list them all, but you will note that I always put the keyboard shortcut first. I heartily encourage you to try to memorize the keyboard shortcuts as quickly as possible. I like to try to commit to learning one new shortcut each time I sit down in front of a program.

If it is a program you work with regularly, you will learn them quickly and steadily. You might ask, Why learn shortcuts? One very simple answer: speed. The more keyboard shortcuts you know, the faster you can work. The faster you can work, the faster you can translate the idea in your head to something you—and everyone else—can hear.

If the keyboard shortcut is the same on both platforms, I will use only one command. For example:. This simply means, Click on the File menu, and in that menu click on the Save function.

If there is a further submenu, it might look like this:. This simply indicates, Click on the Edit menu, scroll down to the Record Quantization submenu item, and then select Sixteenth-Note Quantization.

Often PC mice will have a right-click button in addition to the standard left-click button. Some Mac mice do as well, but a lot of them do not. In Live and in a lot of other apps on Mac, the equivalent to a right-click is a Control-click holding down the Control button while clicking on something. To indicate this gesture I will use a convention similar to keyboard shortcuts:.

When you see this heading, there is a task or series of tasks that I am asking you to try out. Not every one of these is essential to complete before moving on to the next task, but the majority are, so as the sign says, do it! This heading indicates a key concept that you should pay special attention to before moving on.

These asides are little tidbits of geekery that are typically for fun and impressing friends with your trivia knowledge! Where indicated, the feature that follows is new in Live 9, and will not be the same—or perhaps even exist at all—in previous versions of Live.

I know you are eager to make some sound. But before jumping into making some music, we should have a look around at the various parts of the Live interface and get familiar with them.

The graphic interface of Live was designed from the start to be easy to look at for long hours and easy for your computer to display quickly, which becomes increasingly important when you are working on a complex song or mixing a Set live, pushing your computer to its limits. The simpler the interface graphics, the less time and processor power your computer spends rendering the interface, and the more power it has left over to create high-quality audio.

If you just opened Live, you are currently looking at what is called Session View. Here are three ways to switch between Session View and Arrangement View:. Essentially, the two views offer two ways of interacting with your music. For now, just note the parts of the interface that change the center area and the parts that stay the same the rest when switching between the views.

That should give you an idea of how central these two views are to using Live! When you first launch the program, you are looking at a blank Session View. Session View is made up of the following areas:. Many of the dividers between areas can be moved, thereby resizing their bordering areas.

For example, click-and-drag the black vertical divider between the Browser area and the main Session View Clips grid to the left and right. Try the same thing, but vertically this time, on the divider between the Mixer and the Detail View area. You can make an area larger or smaller as your focus changes. For now just note their names and locations.

Note as well that many of these areas can be hidden from view to make more room for the parts of the interface that you are currently using. Here are three ways to show or hide many of these areas:.

One area you might want to keep open all the time while you are learning the program is the Info View located in the lower left corner. This area will give you a brief description of any item you roll your cursor over, and will often tell you the keyboard shortcut for that item as well.

Turn it on, and leave it on! This includes the Samples folder, which contains any recordings made in that Project. Think of it this way: When you make a song, you may want to make multiple versions of that song: different arrangements, different tempos, or even multiple remixes. Each of those versions could be a different Live Set. Live also assumes that you would likely want all the different versions of that song together in a single place, as they probably would share some of the same recordings: perhaps the vocal takes are the same for all versions of the song, even if different combinations of them are used in each version.

The Live Project is a folder containing all of the versions of your song and some of the audio elements common to all the Sets. You should not delete, move or rename this folder for any reason.

Leave it as it is. Although the Live Set plays back audio, the Live Set file. If you look at the size of the Live Set file, you will see that it has a relatively small file size compared to most audio files.

When Live first opens, it creates a new, blank Set. This Set is not yet saved, and as such exists only in a temporary folder until you save it. I find it a very good practice to immediately save the Set before you even get started working, so you can consciously choose where you want the saved files to live on your computer.

When you hit the Save command for the first time in a new Set, you are presented with a standard Save File dialog box where you can name your file, choose a location, and click on the Save button. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. The user manual lists all of the functions of the Ableton Live 9 Suite – Music Production Software Boxed , all the basic and advanced features and tells you how to use the music production software. The manual also provides troubleshooting for common problems.

Even greater detail is provided by the service manual, which is not typically shipped with the product, but which can often be downloaded from Ableton service. If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in. Your e-mail will not be displayed or otherwise used in any way.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? The top section of the browser contains a search feature, which allows you to search in the selected folder for a particular sound, instrument, or effect. At the bottom-left of the Ableton window is an information viewer. Hover over anything in Ableton, and this will tell you what it does. This is extremely helpful, and can be a lifesaver in helping you learn.

The bottom pane is the Effect Controls section. This is where you can configure any instruments or effects you have assigned to a track — something we’ll go into greater detail about later on.

Finally, the remaining panel on the right is the session or arrangement view. This is where you will create and manipulate audio. Now that you know about the interface, let’s make some music! Ableton comes with several instruments that you can use to make sounds, or you can use the included samples , which are pre-recorded snippets of sound or songs. In session view, by default you’ll see seven vertical panels.

These will probably be called something like “1 Midi”, “2 Audio,” and so on. The final one of these is called “Master”, and is the overarching master channel. These default tracks are defined in Ableton’s default project. It’s possible to save your own default project so whenever you open Ableton you have a basic structure ready to go.

But straight out the box, you get Ableton’s default project. MIDI devices and tracks are covered comprehensively later on, but for now, think of them as a way of generating a sound, like a keyboard or guitar. Audio tracks are the opposite of MIDI tracks.

These can play and record sounds from other devices such as a microphone or other device , but they cannot generate any sounds on their own. Finally, there are Return Tracks. These provide a route for processing audio and returning it back. Don’t worry about these for now.

Each track has the same basic structure. The top of the track is known as the Track Title Bar. You can right-click here to change the name and color of the track. Underneath this are the Clip Slots. Underneath the clip slot is a mini control panel for each track. Here you can enable or disable the track, adjust settings such as pan or gain, and route audio from or to nearly any other place.

The default values are sufficient for now. Go ahead and delete the two MIDI tracks and one audio track so you are left with one track. You can delete tracks by right-clicking on the track title bar and selecting Delete , or by left-clicking the title bar and using your delete or backspace key.

If you only have one track, you won’t be able to delete it. Open the Browser from the left hand side — it’s time to find some sounds! Underneath Categories , select Samples. Use the right side of the browser to search for some sounds you like — Ableton comes with lots of samples, and each version Intro, Standard, and Suite comes with a different selection. You can use the cursor or the arrow keys to select a sample, and doing so will play a preview of it. Most of these will be short sounds of people or instruments.

If you want something a bit more complex, select Clips from the Categories submenu. Clips are usually longer samples, but most of them won’t preview when you click them.

To hear a preview, select Click to Preview from the bottom of the browser. Once you’ve found a sample you like, drag it into an empty clip slot by clicking and holding with the left mouse button.

This will now show up as a clip. You can drag multiple clips onto empty clip slots, or drag them over existing clips to replace the old clips with the new ones.

Once in the session view, clips have a random color assigned. You can change this by right-clicking and selecting a new color. Press the small triangle next to a clip to play it. Notice how the interface changes. The triangle turns green, and you get audio meters on this track and the master.

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