
Windows 10 for refurbished pc download –

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Activating Windows 10 on a refurbished PC

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You currently have javascript disabled. Several functions may not work. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Featured Deal: Launch your coding career with this bundle of 27 top-rated courses. Posted 23 June – PM. My original 8yr old computer has win 10 on it and I have a bootable thumbdrive for this computer.

The instructions for the refurb said I would have to ‘scratch off’ the yellow label to get the product key to activate win Actually, the computer seemed to download updates for win 10 and works fine without having to enter any product key. It seems to me that I would want to have a separate bootable ISO thumbdrive for this refurb computer.

Isn’t that the best thing to do? Can’t keep up with the computer stuff anymore. It’s getting beyond me. I have a second computer. It’s refurbished and came with win 10 on it. How do I make a bootable ISO thumbdrive for this computer? Posted 24 June – AM. After you download the ISO file onto your computer’s hard drive, use Rufus to create a bootable USB stick that would be usable by all computers.

Linux User and Windows 10 Lover. When I used the Media Creation Tool it gave me the option to put files directly unto the usb drive instead of making an ISO and then copying that to the usb. I chose to copy directly to the usb.

Hopefully that is basically the same thing. My refurb computer will boot from the created usb drive. What you did is fine. The iso method has an advantage of letting you store it on your hard drive should you wish to use the flash drive for something else.

If something happened to the flash drive it would not be necessary to use the Media Creation Tool again to download over 3GB and create a new bootable flash drive. It also has the advantage of allowing somebody to create DVDs for other people without the need for them to use the MCT and download the files. Posted 27 June – AM. Posted 06 July – AM. Posted 06 July – PM. I also “vote for” the method where you use the Media Creation Tool to download the ISO file create media for another machine option, or something like that then use Rufus to create the bootable USB drive.

It’s not that you can’t have the Media Creation Tool create the bootable USB, but I’m one of those people who’ve had the process fail at this stage, twice over time, and you then have to start all over again from scratch, and if you’re on DSL service like I am that means a full download of the ISO file all over again.

I prefer the slight extra bit of inconvenience in having to create the USB myself. I see no advantage of having separate bootable USB drives by machine under Windows You can use the same bootable media to do a repair or reinstall on any machine that has had Windows 10 installed and activated on it at any point in its lifetime.

The installer even figures out which Edition Home, Pro, etc. Community Forum Software by IP. Sign In Create Account. Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled. Register a free account to unlock additional features at BleepingComputer. Welcome to BleepingComputer , a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers.

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Started by harryhh , Jun 23 PM. Please log in to reply. Posted 23 June – PM Hello All, My original 8yr old computer has win 10 on it and I have a bootable thumbdrive for this computer. A couple of months ago I purchased a refurbished computer from walmart as a second computer. Harry Edited by harryhh, 23 June – PM. Posted 23 June – PM When writing the above post, I changed my mind of what I wanted and it didn’t come out to clear.

Let’s just do this. Local time: AM. Posted 24 June – PM Thanks folks. This seems to have worked. I used the link in the post by Havachat. I did do something a little different that I hope is okay. Posted 06 July – AM You could just extract an iso to a usb drive. Find the setup. I’ve done this with Win I used 7-Zip to extract the iso to the usb. Saves time. Posted 06 July – AM Creation tool enables you to do either.

You can download the ISO or make a bootable usb. Reply to quoted posts Clear. Site Changelog. Sign In Use Twitter. Need an account? Register now! I’ve forgotten my password. Remember me This is not recommended for shared computers.

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Windows 10 for refurbished pc download –

Gerasimos Politis replied Sep 17, at AM. The Windows 7 or Windows 8 genuine license you were previously running will be exchanged for a diagnostics key. Windows 10 doesn’t have “OEM” disks. Select Next to finish activation. See Updates to deploying the Windows 10 free upgrade for more info. I’m going to take a stab at this.


W10Pro for Refurbished PC’s reinstallation – Microsoft Community – Create Windows 10 installation media

Locate the Windows 10 product key sticker on the computer. · To activate this key, right click on the Start Button and from the list of options choose Settings. Opportunity to create market differentiation through the sale of a refurbished PC with genuine Windows 10 operating system software and Office. in downloading the Windows 10 ISO in your Windows PC/laptop Can I use the Belarc website to get the OEM Windows Key Now, download Windows 7 Home Premium.


– Windows 10 for refurbished pc download


The Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Program program enables PC refurbishers to purchase low-cost genuine Microsoft software for preinstallation on newly refurbished Читать далее. Microsoft Authorized Refurbishers refurbish at least 20, PCS per year, and you can find a full list of them here. Previously, Microsoft offered a Registered Refurbisher Program RRP for small and medium-sized Refurbishers less than 1, refurbished units per month.

Microsoft discontinued the Registered Refurbisher Program in Microsoft Authorized Refurbishers are the only organisations that Microsoft permits to buy licenses for refurbished PCs directly from them. The first and most important benefit windows 10 for refurbished pc download Downlosd is low-cost genuine Microsoft software. Software available for preinstall is based upon license type, as explained below.

Which license a windows 10 for refurbished pc download will use is determined by who windows 10 for refurbished pc download receives the refurbished PC. Microsoft titles windows 10 for refurbished pc download at a discount are determined by ofr license type.

Commercial Licenses are available for all of MAR refurbishers’ customers. Available software includes Windows 10 and 11, and for each Home, Pro, and Citizenship. Citizenship Licenses are available to select groups of customers including educational institutions, non-profit organizations, low-income customers and other Microsoft approved customers. Enrollment as a MAR requires dowlnoad vetting from Microsoft.

Successful applicants to the Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Program have a windowss track record of excellence in Refurbishing, a large global geographic reach, data security to an impeccable standard, and demonstrable financial stability among other things.

The requirements for becoming a MAR are quite extensive. The Microsoft Registered Refurbisher program were small and midsized Refurbishers who were authorized to install genuine Microsoft software on refurbished PCs. To replace this program, small and midsized Refurbishers can become refkrbished Microsoft Third Party Refurbisher.

Once approved, a Third Party Refurbisher buys their licenses from the Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher that approved them. The biggest benefit of becoming a Microsoft Third Party Refurbisher is access to low-cost genuine Microsoft software. In addition, further benefits include:. The enrolment process involves gaining approval to become a Third Party Refurbisher from a Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher.

With traditional MARs, desktop free download different windows backgrounds 10 approval involves: requesting the Third Party Refurbisher terms and conditions, accepting those conditions, and wimdows that you have the infrastructure to install genuine Windows licenses.

This can take a week or longer. Travel Fee millions of paper Certificate of Authentication per year is unsustainable, and Microsoft promotes its Authorized Refurbisher Program as a part of думаю, windows 10 download free full version 64 bit with key for pc free download это sustainability strategy. To buy more legitimate Refurbised licenses, all Refurbishers need to switch to digital Windows licenses. Windows 10 for refurbished pc download you’re starting a computer windws or refurbishment operation, you need to see how such a business works at scale.

Take a tour of Computers for Classrooms with founder Pat Furr. Once refurbished, windows 10 for refurbished pc download are sold at incredible discounts to schools and individuals in need.

Pat opened her warehouse for a quick tour—and we thought we should immortalize it on the internet. Watch once, then watch again to see how this refurbishment operation works.

Steve Downooad – Aug 11, Reply. Windows 7 licences were marked EOL last October and are no longer dodnload through the program or from Microsoft even as OEM’s as they are transitioning everyone to Windows If you are after licences for new or recent systems under 6 months old and no previous OS then you will still need to buy an OEM for each system.

If you would like to know more send me wlndows message and I can send you information regarding becoming an authorised reseller of refurbished systems with Genuine Windows 10 Licences attached. Martin Harris – Jul 23, Reply. Ashu Gupta – Aug 21, Vikram Gaba – Oct 24, Doownload Your Stuff Community Store. Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Program. Author: Miroslav Djuric and 7 other contributors. Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher. Windows 10 for refurbished pc download Types.

Microsoft Third Party Refurbishers. Refurbishers in Action. Introducing digital Windows licenses. Computers for Classrooms Tour. Refurbisned Comment. I can’t get any help from Microsoft!!! How to become authorised refurbished reseller please help. Load more comments. View Statistics:.

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